
gallupload - manual


gallupload - A simple upload tool for the PHPGallue image management system


gallupload --help
gallupload --version
gallupload [--service serviceurl ] [--createFilm filmtitle | --useFilm filmID ] [--visibility public|protected|private] [--user loginname ] [--password password ] [--] [ filename ]...


gallupload is a program that uploads images or other files to a server running the PHPGallue image management system (see It can create a new film on the server and upload all images into that film. If you do not set the --user option, either an existing session cookie is used or gallupload prompts for user name and password.

Print synopsis and exit.
Print version information and exit.
--createFilm filmTitle
Creates a new film. All uploaded images will be put into the newly created film.
--password password
Uses the password to log in at the server. Use carefully, the password will appear in the process list and might be stored in the shell history file!
--service serviceURL
The URL of the remote service, e.g.
--useFilm filmID
Uses an existing film. All uploaded images will be put into this film if the user is allowed to do so. Otherwise the upload will fail.
--user loginname
The login name to use at the server. If this option is not set, either an existing session cookie is used or gallupload prompts for user name and password.
--visibility public|protected|private
Set the visibility on the server of uploaded images and the created film.


You can set the service URL via the environment variable REMOTEGALLUE_SERVICE. The --service option overrides this value.


Dieter Weber <>


There are incompatibilities between different versions of SOAP::Lite. The script will tell something about a SOAP VersionMismatch. In this case try to set $circumvent_namespace_bug on or off.


Sometimes an upload fails due to server problems. In this case gallupload should retry the upload.