Element index for package gallue
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- _include_gallue
- in file gallue.inc.php, function _include_gallue()
Include files for gallue.
- __autoload
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, function __autoload()
The autoload hook.
- __clone
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GALExportPage::__clone()
- __construct
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, method GALGallerybase::__construct()
Initializes the page.
- __construct
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, method GALSitemap::__construct()
- __construct
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, method GALGlobals::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GALFrontendTranslation.inc.php, method GALFrontendTranslation::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::__construct()
- __construct
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GALExportPage::__construct()
- action
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::action()
This method executes one click actions.
- action
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::action()
This method executes one click actions.
- action
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::action()
This method executes one click actions.
- action
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::action()
Executes an one-click action.
- append
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append()
- appendDetailsImgNav
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::appendDetailsImgNav()
Append an image navigation block.
- appendEdit
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::appendEdit()
- appendEdit
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendEdit()
- appendField
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendField()
- appendField_categories
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendField_categories()
- appendField_film
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendField_film()
- appendField_groups
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendField_groups()
- appendField_series
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendField_series()
- appendImageDetails
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendImageDetails()
- appendImgTag
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::appendImgTag()
- appendInput_comment
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendInput_comment()
- appendInput_permission
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendInput_permission()
- appendInput_rank
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::appendInput_rank()
- appendInput_sortHint
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendInput_sortHint()
- appendInput_tag
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendInput_tag()
- appendInput_title
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::appendInput_title()
- appendInput__file
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::appendInput__file()
- appendInput__oldpassword
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::appendInput__oldpassword()
- appendInput__password
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::appendInput__password()
- appendInput__passwordVerify
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::appendInput__passwordVerify()
- appendInput__rawPermission
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::appendInput__rawPermission()
- append_categories
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append_categories()
- append_categories
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_categories()
- append_film
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append_film()
- append_films
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_films()
- append_groups
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_groups()
- append_groups
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append_groups()
- append_homepage
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_homepage()
- append_name
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_name()
- append_owner
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append_owner()
- append_series
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append_series()
- append_Series
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append_Series()
- append_title
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append_title()
- append_title
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::append_title()
- append_title
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append_title()
- append__big
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__big()
- append__checkbox
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append__checkbox()
- append__contents
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::append__contents()
- append__delete
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append__delete()
Append a "select" button.
- append__details
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::append__details()
- append__edit
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::append__edit()
- append__edit
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append__edit()
- append__export
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::append__export()
- append__gallery
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__gallery()
- append__medium
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__medium()
- append__rotate90
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__rotate90()
- append__rotate180
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__rotate180()
- append__rotate270
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__rotate270()
- append__select
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append__select()
Append a "select" button.
- append__selectall
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::append__selectall()
- append__thumb
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::append__thumb()
- append__trash
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::append__trash()
Append a "trash" button.
- autoload
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, method GALGlobals::autoload()
Load the file where $classname is declared.
- $container
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_frontend::$container
- $containerFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_frontend::$containerFrontend
null if top-level
- calculateNavbar
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::calculateNavbar()
Calculates offsets for a logarithmic navigation bar.
- categoriesMap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, method GALSitemap::categoriesMap()
Sub-sitemap for categories.
- cleanTitle
- in file export.php, function cleanTitle()
- contentOrder
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::contentOrder()
- contentOrder
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::contentOrder()
A GALOrder that determines the order of the items inside this container.
- contentOrder
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::contentOrder()
- contentOrder
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::contentOrder()
- contentOrder
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::contentOrder()
- contentSelection
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::contentSelection()
- contentSelection
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::contentSelection()
- contentSelection
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::contentSelection()
- contentSelection
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::contentSelection()
- contentSelection
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::contentSelection()
A GALExpression that determines the items inside this container that are displayed.
- convertField_owner
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::convertField_owner()
- countContentSelection
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::countContentSelection()
- countContentSelection
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::countContentSelection()
- countContentSelection
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::countContentSelection()
- countContentSelection
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::countContentSelection()
- countContentSelection
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::countContentSelection()
- countSelection
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::countSelection()
- create
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create films to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create series to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create users to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create categories to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create groups to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create help items to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::create()
Appends a form to create images to the given DOMNode.
- create
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::create()
Displays a form for creating a new item.
- cleanup.php
- procedural page cleanup.php
- $document
- in file exportlib.inc.php, variable GALExportPage::$document
- defaultDetailsFields
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::defaultDetailsFields()
- defaultDetailsFields
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::defaultDetailsFields()
- defaultDetailsFields
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_multiFrontend::defaultDetailsFields()
- defaultDetailsFields
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::defaultDetailsFields()
- defaultDetailsFields
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_multiFrontend::defaultDetailsFields()
- defaultEditFields
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::defaultEditFields()
- defaultEditFields
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::defaultEditFields()
- defaultEditFields
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::defaultEditFields()
- defaultMultieditFields
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::defaultMultieditFields()
- defaultMultieditFields
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::defaultMultieditFields()
- defaultMultieditFields
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::defaultMultieditFields()
- defaultTableFields
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_multiFrontend::defaultTableFields()
- defaultTableFields
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::defaultTableFields()
Load the instances of the given users at once.
- defaultTableFields
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_multiFrontend::defaultTableFields()
- defaultTableFields
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::defaultTableFields()
- defaultTableFields
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::defaultTableFields()
- details
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::details()
- details
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::details()
- details_change
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::details_change()
- details_change
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::details_change()
- details_head
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::details_head()
- details_head
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::details_head()
- details_table
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::details_table()
- details_table
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::details_table()
- displaySearch
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::displaySearch()
- displaySelection
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::displaySelection()
- displaySettings
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::displaySettings()
- displayTrash
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::displayTrash()
- downloadImages
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::downloadImages()
- edit
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::edit()
Evaluates the settings in the global GALGlobalvars object and determines which method to call with wich parameters.
- edit
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- edit
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::edit()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- editField
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::editField()
- editField
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::editField()
- editFields
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::editFields()
- editPasswd
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::editPasswd()
Displays a form to set an user's password.
- editSingle
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit a category item.
- editSingle
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::editSingle()
Displays a form to edit a single item.
- editSingle
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit a film item.
- editSingle
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit a series item.
- editSingle
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit an user.
- editSingle
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit a help item.
- editSingle
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit a group item.
- editSingle
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::editSingle()
Display a form to edit an image.
- edit_rank
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::edit_rank()
- edit__checkbox
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__checkbox()
- edit__checkbox
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::edit__checkbox()
- edit__contents
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__contents()
- edit__delete
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__delete()
- edit__id
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__id()
- edit__select
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__select()
- edit__thumb
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::edit__thumb()
- edit__trash
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::edit__trash()
- evalEdit
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::evalEdit()
- evalEdit_permission
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::evalEdit_permission()
- evalEdit__password
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::evalEdit__password()
- evalEdit__rawPermission
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::evalEdit__rawPermission()
- execute
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, method GALGallerybase::execute()
Execute the script's actions.
- execute
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::execute()
Evaluates the transmitted POST data.
- execute
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- execute
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::execute()
Evaluates POST parameters.
- export
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::export()
- exportlib.inc.php
- procedural page exportlib.inc.php
- export.php
- procedural page export.php
- $glb
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, variable GALSitemap::$glb
The global gallery object.
- $glb
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, variable GALGallerybase::$glb
Reference to GALGlobals object that represents the current gallery.
- $glb
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_multiFrontend::$glb
- $glb
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_frontend::$glb
- $glb
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_singleFrontend::$glb
- $globalvars
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, variable GALGlobals::$globalvars
Filtered GET, POST and COOKIE parameters.
- GALCategory_frontend
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, class GALCategory_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALCategory.
- GALCategory_multiFrontend
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, class GALCategory_multiFrontend
- GALCategory_singleFrontend
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, class GALCategory_singleFrontend
- GALContainer_frontend
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, class GALContainer_frontend
Abstract base class to handle container-like items in gallue.
- GALContainer_multiFrontend
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, class GALContainer_multiFrontend
- GALContainer_singleFrontend
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, class GALContainer_singleFrontend
- GALExportPage
- in file exportlib.inc.php, class GALExportPage
- GALFilm_frontend
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, class GALFilm_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALFilm.
- GALFilm_multiFrontend
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, class GALFilm_multiFrontend
- GALFilm_singleFrontend
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, class GALFilm_singleFrontend
- GALFrontendTranslation
- in file GALFrontendTranslation.inc.php, class GALFrontendTranslation
- GALGallerybase
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, class GALGallerybase
Initialization code for libgallue.
- GALGlobals
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, class GALGlobals
Extend GALGallery with a GALGlobalvars reference.
- GALGroup_frontend
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, class GALGroup_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALGroup.
- GALGroup_multiFrontend
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, class GALGroup_multiFrontend
- GALGroup_singleFrontend
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, class GALGroup_singleFrontend
- GALHelp_frontend
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, class GALHelp_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALHelp.
- GALHelp_multiFrontend
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, class GALHelp_multiFrontend
- GALHelp_singleFrontend
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, class GALHelp_singleFrontend
- GALImage_frontend
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, class GALImage_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALImage.
- GALImage_multiFrontend
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, class GALImage_multiFrontend
- GALImage_singleFrontend
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, class GALImage_singleFrontend
- GALItem_frontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, class GALItem_frontend
Abstract class to display items in gallue.
- GALItem_multiFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, class GALItem_multiFrontend
- GALItem_singleFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, class GALItem_singleFrontend
- GALCategory_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALCategory_frontend.inc.php
- GALContainer_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALContainer_frontend.inc.php
- GALFilm_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALFilm_frontend.inc.php
- GALFrontendTranslation.inc.php
- procedural page GALFrontendTranslation.inc.php
- GALGroup_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALGroup_frontend.inc.php
- GALHelp_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALHelp_frontend.inc.php
- GALImage_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALImage_frontend.inc.php
- GALItem_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALItem_frontend.inc.php
- gallerybase.inc.php
- procedural page gallerybase.inc.php
- gallue.inc.php
- procedural page gallue.inc.php
- GALSeries_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALSeries_frontend.inc.php
- GALUser_frontend.inc.php
- procedural page GALUser_frontend.inc.php
- gsitemap.php
- procedural page gsitemap.php
- GALSeries_frontend
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, class GALSeries_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALSeries.
- GALSeries_multiFrontend
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, class GALSeries_multiFrontend
- GALSeries_singleFrontend
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, class GALSeries_singleFrontend
- GALSitemap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, class GALSitemap
Generates a google sitemap.
- GALUser_frontend
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, class GALUser_frontend
Generates XHTML markup to display/create/edit instances of GALUser.
- GALUser_multiFrontend
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, class GALUser_multiFrontend
- GALUser_singleFrontend
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, class GALUser_singleFrontend
- GALView
- in file view.inc.php, class GALView
A web based user interface for libgallue.
- GAL_HTMLExport
- in file exportlib.inc.php, class GAL_HTMLExport
- generateCss
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::generateCss()
- getContainer
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getContainer()
- getContainerFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getContainerFrontend()
- getGlobals
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, method GALGallerybase::getGlobals()
- getItem
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::getItem()
- getItems
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::getItems()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getMultiFrontend
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::getMultiFrontend()
- getPlural
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::getPlural()
- getPlural
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getPlural()
- getSingular
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::getSingular()
- getSingular
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::getSingular()
- getTable
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::getTable()
- getTable
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::getTable()
- getTarget
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::getTarget()
- getTarget
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::getTarget()
- getTarget
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::getTarget()
- getTarget
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::getTarget()
The target, i.e. 'image'.
- getTarget
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::getTarget()
- getTarget
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::getTarget()
Returns the string that is used to identify the target class.
- getTarget
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::getTarget()
- getTarget
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::getTarget()
The target, i.e. 'user'.
- GALCategory_frontendException
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, class GALCategory_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the category frontend.
- GALFilm_frontendException
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, class GALFilm_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the film frontend.
- GALGroup_frontendException
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, class GALGroup_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the group frontend.
- GALHelp_frontendException
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, class GALHelp_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the help frontend.
- GALImage_frontendException
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, class GALImage_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the image frontend.
- GALSeries_frontendException
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, class GALSeries_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the series frontend.
- GALUser_frontendException
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, class GALUser_frontendException
Exception for errors inside the user frontend.
- in file exportlib.inc.php, class GAL_EHTMLExport
- GAL_ESitemap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, class GAL_ESitemap
Exception for errors inside the user frontend.
- $item
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_singleFrontend::$item
- $items
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_multiFrontend::$items
- index.php
- procedural page index.php
- imagesMap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, method GALSitemap::imagesMap()
Sub-sitemap for images.
- imgTag
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::imgTag()
Constructs an image tag. If the requested instance doesn't exist, the MIME type and size of the raw instance is appended instead.
- imgTag_image
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::imgTag_image()
- imgTag_object
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::imgTag_object()
- imgTag_unknown
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::imgTag_unknown()
- importForm
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::importForm()
Dispalys a form to import packages.
- index
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::index()
- indexChainPage
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::indexChainPage()
- init
- in file export.php, function init()
- itemChainPage
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::itemChainPage()
- itemOverview
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::itemOverview()
- itemRightOverview
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::itemRightOverview()
- items
- in file exportlib.inc.php, method GAL_HTMLExport::items()
- $langs
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, variable GALItem_frontend::$langs
Array with all laguages in the config file.
- $lastmod
- in file gallerybase.inc.php, variable GALGlobals::$lastmod
Time of last significant source code modification.
- $leftnavi
- in file exportlib.inc.php, variable GALExportPage::$leftnavi
- libgsitemap.inc.php
- procedural page libgsitemap.inc.php
- languageMenu
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::languageMenu()
Dispalys a form to switch the current language.
- layoutMenu
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::layoutMenu()
Displays a menu with all layouts suitable for this class.
- layoutMenu
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::layoutMenu()
Evaluates the settings in the global GALGlobalvars object and displays a list of links with available layout variants.
- layoutMenu
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::layoutMenu()
Displays a menu with all layouts suitable for this class.
- layoutMenu
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::layoutMenu()
Displays a menu with all layouts suitable for this class.
- layoutMenu
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::layoutMenu()
Displays a menu with all layouts suitable for this class.
- leftMenu
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::leftMenu()
Displays a menu to select what is displayed.
- loginForm
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::loginForm()
Displays a login form.
- $minAge
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, variable GALSitemap::$minAge
The minimal lastmod date.
- masterMap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, method GALSitemap::masterMap()
Returns a master map.
- membershipFields
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::membershipFields()
- metaTags
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::metaTags()
Appends useful meta tags to the page <head>.
- metaTags
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_singleFrontend::metaTags()
- metaTags
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_singleFrontend::metaTags()
- metaTags
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_singleFrontend::metaTags()
- multieditRow
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::multieditRow()
- multieditRow
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::multieditRow()
- multieditTable
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::multieditTable()
- multieditTable
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::multieditTable()
- searchForm
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::searchForm()
Dispalys a search form.
- selectAll
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::selectAll()
- selectAll
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::selectAll()
- selectAll
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::selectAll()
- selectAll
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::selectAll()
- selection
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::selection()
Builds a GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- selection
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_frontend::selection()
Builds an instance of GALExpression.
- setItem
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::setItem()
- setItems
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::setItems()
- setRobotMeta
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::setRobotMeta()
- show
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_frontend::show()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- show
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_frontend::show()
Evaluates the settings in the global GALGlobalvars object and determines which method to call with wich parameters.
- show
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_frontend::show()
Generates the XHTML markup for the textfield.
- show
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::show()
Evaluates the settings in the global GALGlobalvars object and determines which method to call with wich parameters.
- show
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_frontend::show()
Evaluates the settings in the global GALGlobalvars object and determines which method to call with wich parameters.
- show_details
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_details()
Shows details of multiple items.
- show_diashow
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_diashow()
Shows multiple items as diashow items.
- show_gallery
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_gallery()
Shows multiple items as gallery.
- show_gallery
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::show_gallery()
Shows multiple images as gallery.
- show_list
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_list()
Shows multiple items as list.
- show_list
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::show_list()
Shows multiple items as list.
- show_multiedit
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_multiedit()
Displays a form to edit multiple elements at once.
- show_multiedit
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::show_multiedit()
Displays a form to edit multiple elements at once.
- show_multiedit
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_multiFrontend::show_multiedit()
Display a form to edit multiple items.
- show_multiedit
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::show_multiedit()
Displays a form to edit multiple elements at once.
- show_table
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::show_table()
- show_table
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_table()
Shows multiple items as table.
- show_thumbs
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::show_thumbs()
Shows multiple images as thumbnails.
- show_thumbs
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::show_thumbs()
Shows multiple items as thumbnails This method appends xhtml markup to the given DOMNode that displays the items in the thumbnail layout.
- singleFrontend
- in file GALImage_frontend.inc.php, method GALImage_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALFilm_frontend.inc.php, method GALFilm_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALHelp_frontend.inc.php, method GALHelp_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALCategory_frontend.inc.php, method GALCategory_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALGroup_frontend.inc.php, method GALGroup_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALContainer_frontend.inc.php, method GALContainer_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- singleFrontend
- in file GALSeries_frontend.inc.php, method GALSeries_multiFrontend::singleFrontend()
- sizeMenu
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::sizeMenu()
Creates a menu to select the size optimisation.
- str2permission
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_frontend::str2permission()
- stripslashes_deep
- in file cleanup.php, function stripslashes_deep()
- styleSwitcher
- in file view.inc.php, method GALView::styleSwitcher()
- $textfield
- in file exportlib.inc.php, variable GALExportPage::$textfield
- $topbanner
- in file exportlib.inc.php, variable GALExportPage::$topbanner
- $topnavi
- in file exportlib.inc.php, variable GALExportPage::$topnavi
- tableRow
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::tableRow()
- tableRow
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::tableRow()
- targetMap
- in file libgsitemap.inc.php, method GALSitemap::targetMap()
Returns a sub-sitemap.
- toString_changeDate
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::toString_changeDate()
- toString_createDate
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::toString_createDate()
- toString_permission
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::toString_permission()
- toString_rank
- in file GALUser_frontend.inc.php, method GALUser_singleFrontend::toString_rank()
- toString__id
- in file GALItem_frontend.inc.php, method GALItem_singleFrontend::toString__id()