Builds the page.
It adds a bit of CSS, selects the frontend (from the "select" GET parameter) and calls the frontend's methods, builds menus.
DOMElement languageMenu(
Dispalys a form to switch the current language.
This method reads all available languages from the config file (section "lang") and displays them as drop-down list.
DOMElement leftMenu(
Displays a menu to select what is displayed.
This method builds a plain list of all available entries. Currently, this menu has just one entry, Help.
DOMElement newMenu(
Creates a menu to select an item to create.
This method displays a menu with links to the create forms of all elements the current user is allowed to create. If the current user isn't allowed to create anything, the menu isn't displayed. The menu is a plain list: New<ul><li><a href="...">text</a></li><li>...</li></ul>
DOMElement sizeMenu(
Creates a menu to select the size optimisation.
This method displays a menu with links to adjust the size. The menu is a plain list: Size<ul><li><a href="...">text</a></li><li>...</li></ul>